Being in a long term relationship is serious business, and those who want it to last should make sure they are being faithful to their partner. It often seems to people that cheating on a partner is the only way a person can be accused of relationship betrayal, but it takes many different forms. Words and deeds are both important when it comes to being committed to building a life with another person, and any type of deviation from supporting a partner in front of others can be considered betrayal.

Families are often the source of difficulties between couples, and asking a family member to agree with them on an issue instead of a spouse is encouraging breaking the bond between the pair. Friends can also do this, but it occurs less often. These are the types of betrayals that happen all the time, but only some of them can be healed well enough to keep the relationship from failing.


The Red Flags

Betrayal is one of the most painful experiences one can encounter in a relationship. Unfortunately, it's not always easy to predict when someone might betray...



A Guide To Healing

Breaking up from a long-term relationship can be one of life's most challenging experiences. The emotional upheaval can make it feel as if the rug...



Devastating Consequences

Betrayal in a relationship can have devastating consequences on both the victim and the relationship itself. The pain and anguish experienced by the victim can be...



Choosing a Partner

No family is perfect, but some can be more difficult than others. There have been many times when parents have let their adult children know...



A Heartfelt Stab

For those who have found their spouse cheating on them, the pain can become overwhelming in an instant. They trusted the other person to be...



Using the Children

When couples have a major disagreement, they often try to find allies. This might seem like a normal reaction, but it can do more damage...



The Roads of Betrayal

Whenever a person has reached the point where they must make a decision, they have a choice of roads they can follow. Some of the...



Post-Divorce Wedding Invitation

Facing a wedding invitation after divorce can stir a whirlwind of emotions. It’s a scenario many might not anticipate facing, and yet it holds significant...



Family and Spouse

A relationship between two people that turns into a lifetime commitment is one of the most serious bonds a person can forge in their lifetime....



Undercutting a Partner at Work

Many couples have the dream of owning their own business, but many times they do not see all the ramifications to their relationship. Being partners...



Failure to Thrive

There are times in life when depression overwhelms a person, but those with a supportive partner have a better chance of getting past it. It...



A Change in Attitude

Perspective on an issue can change for a person as they age, but it may not go over well with their long term partner. The...

